The following list(look at the first post)comes from "Uncommon", a book by Tony Dungy. After reading through the list, pick 2-3 of the points that you believe to be the most significant. Why are these the most significant to you? How should we go about applying these principles in wrestling and, more importantly, life?
1. Remember that what you do when no one is watching matters.
2. The means matter as much as the ends, if not more.
3. Hang in there. Character is revealed through adversity.
4. Often we grow as much through the little things as we do through the big ones.
5. Truth is critical. Being truthful is too.
6. Don't rationalize your way around honesty.
7. Don't blow your own horn.
8. Don't be falsely modest; you have amazing gifts. Just recognize that others do too.
9. You are important, but not indispensable. The same goes for others. See yourself as a significant part of the process.
10. Be careful what you do with your resources, gifts, time, and talents. You've been entrusted with them.
11. Some of the most rewarding times in life are when you have to stand alone, even if you are uncomfortable doing so.
12. Life is hard. Courage is essential.
13. Never give up. Never.
I agree with all of these statements but several really stick out to me. Some of the most rewarding times in life are when you have to stand alone, even if you are uncomfortable doing so. I know that the main reason I wrestle is because when you step out on that mat you determine your own success. One that I know I have heard a lot of is the last one. Never give up, never. Giving up is the ultimate form of failure, when you give up you say you have had enough you can not go any more and the you are done for. the means maatter as much as the ends if not more. I think that the greatest example of this is juicing. we always hear about thees great athletes roiding because the want to be succesful. many people have done things the hard way and have suffered through it but theay have learned from the expeirence and are all the stronger for it.
Obviously these statements are all true. I like 1, and 3-6 they all say the same thing its the little things that you do when no one is watching that matters, if everyone did the bare minimum requirement there would be no seperation between wrestlers and everyone could win state.
I think 3, 12, and 13 are the most important becase many guys want to quit when things get tough. You have to be able to have some guts and stick it out when it's tough.
1 is probly the biggest factor for most things in life. In any scenario 1 almost always plays a part and it shouldnt. 12 and 13 are very key as well. But in my opinion 5 is the most important because if your not honest about yourself then your only cheating yoruself. you have to be honest if you say your gonna do something then do it, dont BS your way around. It's dumb and hurts you and your teammates.
I think number 7 is important cause that seems to be becoming a bigger problem everywhere. Accomplishments seem to be more prideful if you don't care who else knows about them. Doing something just so you can brag about it later is a bad reason for doing things and that should not be what motivates you. Number 2 also seems like a big one to me, especially when applied to wrestling. You get the most out of what you put into it instead of what you get out of it. Farther down the road, people are going to forget about wins and losses but the hard work that was put in is what is going to help you later in life in anything you do.
Yeah all of these things are great. I like #s 11,12,3. number 12 is probably the biggest to me because everyone has a dream(s) or a vision of some kind of success they aspire to have, and this success this dream means nothing unless you have the courage to pursue it. Number 11 because well for wrestling when you get your hand raised it is because of your hard work and desire to win and it is the training and integrity that got you there and in life theres not always gonna be someone to hold your hand through stuff you gotta have big guts to move along. Finally number 3 because overcoming doubt and achieving sucess reminds or idk how to really word it but it shows you how strong your character is idk haha.
1 sticks out to me because you will not get better at anything if when everyone turns there back you slack off and take the easy way out of things. 12 is important because if you don't have the courage to take risks and try new things you won't gain anything out of what you do. I like 13 because if you give up what are you accomplishing, nothing. There is a good chance you will look back and say what if i haven't given up, where would i be? You will only make yourself better by not giving up.
I think the two most important are number 1 and number 12. If you do the right thing when nobody is watching, or when certain people aren't watching, it carries you a long ways. For wrestling this could be applied to watching your weight, or jogging the whole lap when the coaches aren't watching. The last one is important too. If you roll over and die everytime something gets difficult, life is going to be a disappointment. You need to keep working hard and trying, even if it doesn't seem likes it paying off.
im gonna have to go with 1,3 and 10
these say that who ever you are when ever you must be just as motivated off the mat
1,12, and 13 are important to remember never give up never surrender
I believe all these statements are good. But 3 is one of my favorites. Adversity is a sign of character and wrestling brings that out in everybody. Also, 13 is a great motto for anything in life. Dont give up. No matter what the odds.
I like all of these. I also want to thank you, Coach Outland, for bringing these items to the attention of our wrestlers. I truly believe we are all blessed with amazing gifts, and it is "uncommon" for us to develop these gifts to the fullest. Hopefully, if we continue to strive to "develop our core" we will witness a grand resurgence of Brandon Valley wrestling. I have witnessed great improvement in many of our wrestlers this year, and I am looking forward to the future.
Kraig Presler
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